how to keep your garage clean and organized

The second law of thermodynamics could not be more evident in our own garages, which always seek to go from order to chaos. Does that mean that our efforts to tidy up the garage are doomed to failure? Nope. It just means that we need to constantly try to get it back in order. I know it sounds exhausting, but as you may well know, letting your garage get out of control can deplete your existence.

So, here are our tips for keeping your garage from becoming a chaos:

  1. Get everyone in your household involved. Not everyone in your family is as concerned about the garage as you are, specially young children, thus you will need to make everyone actively responsible for its maintenance, just as you would with the inside of your home. Training them to put things back where they belong is your main priority.

  2. Remember, your garage’s entropy inevitably aims at becoming a mess. To counter that, once a month you and your family will need to give the garage a little touch up. Try to make it a fun thirty minute family activity, perhaps with a little ice cream reward for a job well done.

  3. Once a year take inventory of everything you have in the garage and ask yourself these two questions, have I used this in the last year? Does it bring me joy? If the answer is no to both questions, donate it. Less clutter for you and a blessing for others.

I know this is easier said than done, but with a little persistence and some mint chocolate chip ice cream, over time it will become a habit and second nature for your kids.

Happy organizing!

Garage Raiders was selected by Redfin as a top Houston, TX garage expert. See the Redfin

article we were featured in Eliminate Clutter with These Cheap Garage Organization Tips |
